Sunday, December 7, 2008

New Sweaters, New Traveling! (pt.1)

Thanks to all the funsters. Below are the 1st round of pics; many more to come, I hope!

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Swapping Sweaters Is Only the Beginning.

Scientists Report Mental 'Body-Swapping'

TUESDAY, Dec. 2 (HealthDay News) -- The illusion of body-swapping -- making people perceive the bodies of mannequins and other people as their own -- has been achieved by Swedish neuroscientists.

In one experiment, the team fitted the head of a mannequin with two cameras connected to two small screens placed in front of volunteers' eyes, so that they had the same view as the mannequin.

When the mannequin's camera eyes and a participant's head were directed downwards, the participant saw the mannequin's body where the person would normally have seen their own body.

The researchers created the illusion of body-swapping by touching the stomach of both the mannequin and the volunteer with sticks. The person saw the mannequin's stomach being touched while feeling (but not seeing) a similar sensation on their own stomach. As a result, the person developed a strong belief that the mannequin's body was actually their own.

"This shows how easy it is to change the brain's perception of the physical self. By manipulating sensory impressions, it's possible to fool the self not only out of its body but into other bodies, too," project leader Henrik Ehrsson, of the Karolinska Institute in Stockholm, said in a news release.

In another experiment, a camera was mounted on one person's head and screens were mounted in front of another person's eyes. When the person with the camera and the person with the screens turned towards each other to shake hands, the person with the screens perceived the camera-wearer's body as his/her own.

"The subjects see themselves shaking hands from the outside, but experience it as another person. The sensory impression from the handshake is perceived as though coming from the new body, rather than the subject's own," study co-author Valeria Petkova said in the news release.

This illusion worked even when two people looked different or were of different sexes. It did not work when a non-humanoid object -- such as a chair or large block -- was used.

The research, published online Wednesday in the journal PLoS One, could prove useful in virtual reality applications and in robot technology, the team said.

Monday, November 17, 2008

A Clarification


Thoughts of a Sweater

Thoughts of a Sweater,
A sweater cuddly and thin,
Thoughts of a such a Sweater,
That's the state I'm in.


Here's to a night of countless sweaters
of midnight yarnboys'woolen fetters

I'll cast on to a star, and knit
a bodywrap of dreams with it.
I'll throw my purls before the wine
in patterns of broad ivy vine
or snowflake branch
or christmas crap
I'll brave the cold in sheepish wrap.

Monday, November 10, 2008

Sweat We Can

Sweater Around

Sweaturnaround, every now and then I get a little bit restless and I dream of something wild,
Sweaturnaround, every now and then I get a little bit helpless and I'm lying like a knitted garment in your arms.

Once upon a time I was falling in love,
But now my V-neck's falling apart,
Nothing I can do
A sweatered eclipse of the heart.


Yeah I said It

Sunday, November 9, 2008

Sweaters for the melancholy

cold weather a whole new season of sweaters.
anticipation no time for reflection.
did i buy the right snack will there be enough beer?
what? what's that you say?
i can't make it this year? i'm going away?
the following week would be better
or even the first weekend in December.
i'll keep you in my hearts while Jim frolics and Jon farts.
there will be a few less sweaters this year.

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

A little bit colder now

A little bit colder now.
A little bit colder now.
A little bit colder now.
A little bit colder now.
A little bit colder now
A little bit colder now

Friday, September 19, 2008

Why so cold?

Why so cold?
Why me timbers a shiver?
I'll tell you why!!!
Cause it's almost time for traveling sweaters motherfucker!!!

Thursday, July 31, 2008

Summah over

August leads to Zeptember
With a chilly wind we reach Rocktober
The cold November rain winks at wintry weather
It's December time to break out the sweater

Thursday, March 27, 2008

while sweaters sleep

don't worry sweaters you'll be back!!!!